Saturday, August 10, 2019

Kushu in salah

*Importance of Khushu in our salah*
Salah is the key to our success in this world and the next. 
_“It is the believers who are successful: those who are humble in their prayer”_
 [Quran verse 23, 1-2].
Khushu refers to the submissiveness, gentleness, humility, yearning, and quietude (out of love as well as fear) within the heart due to the consciousness of Allah’s Greatness and Grandeur.
It is also the awareness of one’s own weaknesses, absence of haughtiness, arrogance and superiority from the heart.
We may believe that when our minds are distracted, the concentration and humility in salah decreases.
However, the truth is that it is actually the heart that causes khushu to increase or decrease. The Prophet SAW said,
_“Of surety there is a morsel of flesh in the body, if it is sound, the whole body will be sound, but if it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. It is the heart.” _
*Symptoms of Lack of Khushu in Salah*
® Ever felt like you or someone praying next to you were making a sujood as though it was being done on a hot plate?
®The correct recitation of Surah Al Fatiha alone outlasts a couple of rakahs offered by you or someone praying next to you?
®Keep forgetting how many rakahs were completed and which surahs were recited?
®At the end of salah, do we feel a sense of incompleteness and regret instead of joy and accomplishment?
®Does salah seem more like a chore rather than a conversation?
®If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, then the level of khushu needs to increase.
So often it hurts us that we are not able to focus in our prayers.
Remember, the more you focus on Allah outside your salah, the easier it will be to focus on Him inside your salah.
Try to fill your mind and heart with Allah as much as you can throughout your day.
Talk to Him and make dua to Him constantly. This will build your personal relationship with Him.
Then, going to salah will be like coming home to an old friend.”

 *How to improve Khushu in Salah*
In all honesty, Khushu is something that does not remain at the same level all the time. Let’s face it; none of us is immune to distractions in salah.
We’ll face interior distractions in the form of thoughts, diversions, or an absent heart. We’ll also face exterior distractions such as things that happen in or around the prayer area.
Depending on the state of our Iman, there will be times when we’ll experience ‘Khushu-High’ and at other times  'Khushu - low'.
Hence renewing our intentions and Iman is extremely important; that, in turn, will renew our khushu.
That is why our beloved Prophet SAW used to tell his companions:
_“Renew your faith.” He was asked, “O Messenger of Allah, how do we renew our faith?” He said, “By frequently repeating La Ilaha ill-Allah (There is no god, but Allah)”_
 [Reported by Ahmad, 2/359].
Some ways:
1. *Knowledge*
Increase in Islamic knowledge; learn about Allah, tawheed, His Names and Attributes, and various aspects and sciences of the sunnah. Why? Because Allah says: 
_“It is only the learned amongst His servants who truly fear Allah”_[35:28]
2. *On Time*
 Pray on time and plan your life around salah timings and not the other way around.
Prioritize pleasing Allah over pleasing people. 
3. *Seek Refuge in Allah*
Seek refuge in Allah Subhahana from Satan by saying “Aa-udhubillahi min As-Shaitanir Rajim” before starting the salah and during the salah too when needed.
Also say Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before beginning the salah.
4. *Be Mindful*
It means to simply remind yourself to come back to the present moment as soon as you realize that your thoughts have drifted away from what is happening right now.
5. *Understand*
Read translations to understand all the surahs that you recite during salah. Try to offer Tahajjud and recite the Quran during those hours of the night, as that is a good time for understanding the words of Allah.
6. *Visualize*
Always try to remind yourself that you are standing in front of Allah Subhahana  pray as though you see Him; and if you cannot do that, then be aware that He is definitely seeing you.
As you recite, visualize the Arabic words of each surah.
Do not close your eyes, but focus on the place of sujood.
7. *Never Stop*
Be wary of sticking to your salah, particularly in times of distress – it will help a lot in dealing with the situation.
8. *Good Pace*
Be attentive and relaxed by maintaining a good pace between salah actions, giving a minimum of 5 seconds or more per action.
Every time you say ‘Allahu Akbar’, say it from your heart.
Make your sujood a bit longer than usual, recite duas in it and also before the final tasleem.
9. *It Could be the Last*
Perform every salah as you would perform your last salah. We may not know when, but one day we will be praying our last one.

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